Q seems to be a virus.

Kabbah revealed:
2008-11-4 22:29:11 process (PID 2100) tried to visit the Kaspersky anti-virus software process (PID 3188), but the operation was to stop the self-protection component.You do not need to Operation.
2008-11-4 22:30:23 process C:\ WINDOWS \ system32 \ svchost.exe (PID:3396):trying to embed itself into other processes have been prevented.

Was my Kabbah stop, will not be able to open any page, double-click the network icon on the desktop can not be revealed, but do not disappear in the lower right-hand corner, can not disconnect the network, it must restart to solve the problem, which is why?

if Kabbah's stop wrong, the Internet should not be considered normal, Kabbah has no use for a long time …the computer you hit 1 .You take a look at the initiative of the defense is set up wrong.
2.Try to use other security checks under.'s Defense to take the initiative to remove the hook.Kabbah, I now useless, I do not quite remember where, In any case, you point the defense of your own initiative, take a closer look.

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