C++ question (pointer declaration and heap)?

Thus, I’ve been returning through my personal old c++ book which i used back in my acquaintances degree along with I got onto problems that I believe might try to be worded crazy, but it would also be something I have no idea of, so WHEN I figured I’d personally just come and get here:

The question because it reads:”Write C++ claims that announce a double pointer (d_ptr) and also assign compared to that pointer space for the heap pertaining to sorting a selection of 100 doubles.”

Now, I’m just visiting have for you to assume until this question is usually asking us to announce a pointer and ensure it is reference an array with 75 doubles allocated such as this:

Array_numbers = brand new double 100;
two times *d_ptr = Array_numbers;

Is all the particular book is trying to find here or maybe am WE totally not universally known something

Thanks a great deal.

You got it.

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