Who BAND IN Z BOX2008 version, as well as the BAND IN Z BOX2008 Chinese version …

Who BAND IN Z BOX2008 version, as well as the BAND IN Z BOX2008 Chinese version of the package will not
previous version of the old,
the best months to the download link address
boy grateful
most important :08 Chinese version of the package, the English boy can not look covered.

Downloaded into BB2008 installation folder, After the start to choose the language, and then restart the BB2008 can
BAND IN Z BOX2008 Chinese version of the file:/ d/2ccf49ff79393c6eb49af67b718199cc1e90fdf900100f00

BAND IN Z BOX2008 version of the download address:
/ english / index.php ? tid = 31

above is the address of the website in English, several hours to download package, I tried to download.

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I had been exhausted ……Thank you to adopt

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