Volume excel to change the date

There is a date, they should quickly change the text.In every cell in front of the date add ', but one is clearly too slow to add.What is the fastest way to do?

Select All, set the cell format – digital – to select the text of the cell, right-click, cell format, since the definition of the box 'that is, @ Can!
Note:English punctuation!
enter ” '” The same is true of the @! (English punctuation Kazakhstan)
in quotation marks are added to the list of things that the cell would @ content!

date if there is A1,, B1 enter = YEAR (A1) & “years” & MONTH (A1) & “on” & DAY (A1) & “days”
and then drag the fill handle B1 ! 2 in front of friends are talking about the importation of pre-set.
Enter after, I only think of using functions, such as the A1 is March 1, 2008, in the column B enter the formula:= TEXT (A1, “yyyy – md “), drop-down.and then copy the column B, B out in the Paste Special, numerical, determine.I tried out a way to talk about what you can

replaced by the Ctrl + H out Dialogue to replace the window, “Find what” in 2008 to fill the “replacement” reclaimed'2008 Department, and then replace all the points on the line.

If you have a date in 2007, and again on a replacement, I think you can not have a lot of years now, do not have to replace a few, very easy

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