Using a VBA to find excel in the string of problems

This is specific:
identified in the sheet, it is necessary to look for specific strings in which the lattice, and more than one needs to look for every position.But also the query string may be the cell's contents A part of.

Dim I do not write the whole process and I do not write, you need only write the
Dim rag as object of all other int

a = Sheets ( “Qi Fang”).[b65536].End (xlUp).Row
j = Sheets ( “entry”).[c65536].End (xlUp).Row
b = 5
For Each Rac In Sheets ( “entry”).Range ( “C1:C” & j)
If Not (Rac.Text = “home” Or Rac .Text = “apartment” Or Rac.Text = “business” Or Rac.Text = “industrial” Or Rac.Text = “garage” Or Rac.Text = _
“comprehensive” Or Rac.Text = “other “Or Rac.Text =” office “Or Rac.Text =” villa “) Then
MsgBox” entry-use (C out) in “residential, apartments, villas, commercial, industrial, office, garage, a comprehensive, Other “select”
Exit Sub
End If


For Each Rag In Sheets ( “Qi Fang”).Range ( “A5:j” & a)
If Rag.Text Like TextBox1.Text Then
r = Rag.Row
b = b + 1
End If

this is a vague query

For Each Rag In Sheets ( “Qi Fang”).Range ( “a5:j” & a)
If Rag.Text Like “*” & ComboBox1.Text & “*” Then
Cells (b, 4) = Rag.Text
Cells (b, 1) = Rag.Offset (, -3).Text
Cells (b, 2) = Rag.Offset (, -2).Text
Cells (b, 3) = Rag.Offset (, -1).Text
b = b + 1
End If
Next will be able to bring their own functions to find ah, you want to find I did not appear to What is special, also need to be addressed to find the results of

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