The IT development is quite rapid, how can follow its rhythm

What studies is the software specialty, at present studies the direction is the artificial intelligence aspect thing.Follows the IT development, the network is entering web2.0, the new concept appeared, for example “cloud computation”, “personalized service”, “software integration” and so on.Because person’s experience is limited, bases in this profession not to be how easy.I have not now had am studying, later will live is very uncertain.Hoped that everybody can exchange own experience and the feeling, helps the little brother to go out the difficult position
Diligently diligently diligently diligently diligently diligently
Study study Studies these many, ha-ha, is also useless, how possibly follows the rhythm!!
Sufficient good, do not think that many, follows the rhythm is only knew that the front information, you do not do the scientific research, studies these to do, oneself tired.

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