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Help with Simple Java?

When will i map letters in a very string which i input to another string of people. As an example if I have: confidential static String map=”ererjkerjerjfvflerlghgd..” Then I enter in a string. As an example “cat” will output “eeg” How might I produce the rule to map each letter …

Stuck on a Java program?

This particular code teaches on an ArrayList branded myList2.That contains items.The code should preferably display a strong object whether a given condition is happy and without delay delete in which object (if the particular given ailment is satisfied).The eliminate function looked like the obvious approach to take but the item …

Java, Combine two strings into one if statement?

I am trying for making it so if your user inputs Sure OR yes it affirms something different thene after they input not any or Simply no.This will be what i’ve so a long way: in the event (yes.equals(“yes”)) System.out.println(“Good”); in addition System.out.println(“Bad”); I want to cause it to something …

Why my javascript code not working?

Guidance: Answer the about three questions and also press choose. Ones score can appear. Insight values: JUST ONE.A byte is the number of bits TWO.Steve Work heads what exactly company 3.Bill Entrance heads just what company Productivity value: Effect #1: Effect #2: Effect #3: Ones score: It’s tough choosing how …

Combo BOX with condtions?

Hello there Guys, I would like your claims. I am interested in the file format or some sort of tutorial of learning to make a multiple combo box with affliction. As an example:Let’s point out I’m likely to have A FEW combo cardboard boxes, and every one of them will …