Legal copy windoes xp

What my computer installs is legal copy windoes xp, I need the rewiring system now.Ask after I have formatted the C plate, installs this legal copy windows xp also to be able again to be good? Can install one cannot promote from now on?
, Will not be the legal copy forever can attire Some SN line Should be possible, because in rewiring Windows operating system time, your computer area south of Yellow River preserves the thing can lose, will not have the influence after the rewiring system.So long as your order serial number line, felt relieved attire So long as has the legal copy compact disc and the series number may through the legal copy confirmation, may duplicate uses.Must first think that your this XP will be any edition enterprise version or the HOME version enterprise version’s words may install the HOME version’s words on many equipment to limit you the erection unit quantity, but the identical Taiwan computer cannot be influential Series number line

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