EXCEL cell set up to ask, thank you!

1:How to join the front of the number of long-distance area code or country code (the number in front of a 0 or two 0, and the order of indefinite)
2:How 20081001090001 into 2008-10-01 09:00:01

1, hit enter before, ” '”, so that you can enter text to digital.
2, the direct unit Georgia changed the date you in this format corresponding to the 1.Cell attribute set to become the character.Rather than digital.

2.Cell attribute set to become the date format it.1, enter , In front of Canada ', (half-angle, single quotation marks); or the first cell is set to text

2, the assumption that the data in A1, B1 enter the formula
= TEXT (LEFT (A1, 8) , “0000-00-00”) & “” & TEXT (RIGHT (A1, 6), “00!:00!:00”) in the editorial column the cursor to the top of the first to lose a single quotes in English, and transported Code to 1, the number of months before the attack on a comma '
2, in the cells on the right – to set the cell – conventional – the date to choose the style of OK on

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