Can lock in small keyboard above digit latch Num Lock?

Let the lamp shine
According to one time is often bright, presses one time often to extinguish again Reference: Does graciousness, have such means not to know, but has the simple means to be possible to let your computer starting automatically open, has a look at my simple the means:
As starting as under prompt input password condition, usually equally presses digital latch (NumLock) likely, then anything does not do, restarts the computer directly.Later each time starting, the numeric lock opens!
Has the means to be possible to let it forever open is being not too clear
But you may open the keyboard, corresponds under pad this key to take then.I think am not unnecessary such to do.Sometimes because indeed needs this key.
Good, said these many, if also has any question, may give me the message, simultaneously may also add my ICQ ……Not necessity

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