Anxious! Why always establishes mine computer the ADSL network? With flash downloading question.

1:I am the wide band, but local connects always receives limits or has not connected, as soon as my brother opened Nash I to be able on, the decadent exclamation mark reminder also did not have.I thought that now under FLASH is not good, demonstrated downloading when the installation procedure makes a mistake, please confirm that you have connected internet to pay equal attention to try! (afterward wide band and local connected on, tried flash which installed to be incorrect again, was as before such prompt)

2:Now the ICQ space was unable to demonstrate completely, downloaded directly under the ICQ space’s prompt also springs:(downloading makes a mistake, tries again)…How can like this? // Question supplement:The friends rewiring system, do not have that seriously.The following

Suggests the rewiring system Your question has been too general, the surfer has directly through the cat on, has passes on the route.You belong to that kind of situation?
1st, if you are the computer are connected including the above cat directly, does not need to care about local connects, so long as you establish telephone dialer, was also the wide band connection normal may.
2.If you are at home the route surfer, you such situation was limited by the human.Is artificial, for instance your elder brother may enter the router to carry on the establishment, forbids your access network.
Because did not know that your special details, only could such reply

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