320G 8M just bought Seagate hard drives have a voice

Just bought Seagate hard drives in the load when some voices squeak voices but not much in moving the mouse did not start working hard to gain the upper hand feel a bit uneven rotation feeling is the voice of the creak from time to time but the computer is running very normal I used that computer's hard drive is a WD is not the kind of voice I would like to ask the hard disk is defective

is a hard problem, the proposed Take a better replacement, I installed a few do not have the same problem.Hard disk, you may be great to be a pit …….normal, which is used by other people's bad Hard disk and then sent to factory rework and then get the hard sell on the market, only a little voice, but no performance deficiencies, even if you are away for, because they can not have a voice to the hard drive of your use of replacement HDD is not under investigation Bad Track
there is no hard disk is not the issue
may be the problem of power

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