windows xp professional meaning question

Ask that what windows xp professional professional the meaning is, I knew that is the specialized meaning? What I asked is why Microsoft Corporation must introduce this noun in this operating system, what significance has?
Is the WindowXP full title Is professional version’s meaning, dual attention to the entertainment work without hampering the other, is most common, is most convenient, most general specialized very strong edition, ha-ha Such good card, if others do not look, is not wastes the Palestinian main painstaking care? After the painful ideological struggle, I set firm resolve finally, I must upward go against this card, upward goes against until all people sees
Wants to make the concurrent job to be possible to join: (characteristic, the ADSL voting, wages date ties, duty many time one days may to hundred Yuan) XP has the following several kind of editions generally:

Family version (home)
Professional version (professional)
In media heart (media center)
64 professional versions (professional 64)
Plate computer version (table pc)

Each kind of edition’s suitable situation is dissimilar, generally the home use words use the Professional version, the Home version function simplified on the other hand, Media the center version stresses the multimedia entertainment, table pc is suitable on the palm the computer, 64 Prefessional versions may use in above 64 processor platforms.Windows the XP professional version function characteristic software compatible software compatibility is good
The service level reliability was higher for the user has provided the foundation which might trust, caused the system at the busiest time still maintained the movement freely Reference:

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