What’s all this about! ~~!! `computer

Presents a dialog box, said that explorer.exe meets the question to need to close.We cause regarding this express the regret inconveniently.
If you are being in the middle of the advancement, the information possibly loses,
About wrong other information.Please single-click here.Has a pairs option, the debugging, the closure, no matter that in tabletop several seconds does not have the icon, several seconds later appear.
After the one-shot, appears
Wrong signature
AppName:explorer.exe AppVer:6.0.2900.2180 ModName:vsfilter.dll
ModVer: Offset:000540a1
Must examine that about error report’s technical information, please single-click here,
After the one-shot, presently presently
Will report the advancement the following information
Too many at sixes and sevens codes,
The following document contains the bedding bag in this error report
C:\DOCUME ~1 \ ADMINI~1 \ LOCALS~1 \ Temp \ 792f_appcompat.txt, ask what’s all this about, why time presents this,
Most was the kind is poisonous explorer.exe – advancement information
Advancement document:explorer or explorer.exe

Advancement name:Microsoft Windows Explorer

explorer.exe is the Windows program manager or the Windows resources supervisor, it uses in managing the Windows graph shell, including starts the menu, the duty fence, the tabletop and the document management.Will delete this procedure to cause the Windows graphical interface to be unable to be suitable.Attention:explorer.exe also has the possibility is w32.Codered and w32.mydoom.b@mm virus.This virus through email mail dissemination, when you open the viral transmission the appendix, namely is infected.This virus will establish the SMTP service on the victim machine.This virus allows the aggressor to visit your computer, to steal the password and individual data.This advancement’s security rating suggests the deletion.

Every Windows series operating system, when movement can start named Explorer.exe the advancement.On this advancement primary cognizance display system tabletop’s icon as well as the duty fence, it has the different wondrous use in the different system, we look together.

In Windows 9x application

When Windows 9x, this advancement is the run-time system must.If used “the end task” the method will finish the Explorer.exe advancement, the system refurbishing tabletop, and renewed the registry.Therefore, we may also use this method to come the fast renewal registry.The method is as follows:

Pressed down the Ctrl+Alt+Del combination key, the appearance “the end task” the dialog box.Chooses “Explorer” in this dialog box the option, then the one-shot “the end task” the button, will appear “closes Windows” the dialog box.The one-shot “otherwise” the button, system a while will have presented another dialog box, tells you this procedure not to respond, inquired whether end task.One-shot “end task” button, then the renewal registry and returns to Windows in the 9x system environment.This compares the troublesome startup procedure again, was facilitates are many?

In Windows 2000/XP application

When Windows 2000/XP and other Windows in the NT essence’s system, the Explorer.exe advancement is not the systems operation must, therefore might use the duty supervisor to finish it, did not interfere with system’s normal work, instead might realize “the security + personalization + acceleration” ingeniously system’s function.Is eager to try? Prepares quickly, comes with me (under take Windows 2000 Pro versions as example)

Opens procedure which you need to move, like memorandum.Then strikes the duty fence right, the choice “the duty supervisor”, selects “the advancement” the option card, chose the Explorer.exe advancement in the window, the one-shot “the conclusion advancement” the button, as shown in Figure 1, then on the tabletop except the wallpaper (the active tabletop Active Desktop wallpaper exception), all icons and the duty fence vanished.This time you still might look like usually equally operate all softwares.When you need to leave computer a while, did not think that others operate your computer, but the establishment password thought that is also too awkward, may have the certain extent with the above method the security effect.Certainly, this time still might use the duty supervisor “the new duty” to come roll back Explorer.exe, but speaking of the common user, this kind of security was already enough Should be poisoned! explorer.exe is the tabletop procedure! If will not have its your tabletop also not to appear! Was probably the virus has kidnapped it or revised it! You may have a look in the advancement its way! It is not absolutely in system, if in such 100% were poisoned! It is not really good it to delete then duplicates one from other machine to come! Wishes your machine to be good earlier! No matter, possibly only had a small problem
You assign out the duty supervisor then document according to ctrl+alt+del” move
Input explorer.exe to restore Present’s computer was quite quick! If on the computer an important data suggestion rewiring system has not been good, after or backup, the rewiring is also good! An installment legal copy kills the poisonous software (the present many to kill poisonous software again to have provides a half year free, tries auspicious star or is Caba Siji!)Will be safe a spot! Suggestion, rewiring system.It is not the master should better not move heedlessly the advancement and the registry.

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