My motherboard to support the hard right

My motherboard is NVIDIA MCP61 chips I would like to ask you to support the hard drive?
Basic parameters

apply to the type of desktop hard drives

capacity 500GB hard drive
single platter capacity (GB) 250GB
number of disc (Zhang) 2
hard disk interface

type of interface Serial ATA
Rate Interface Serial ATA 300
transmission Rate

cache (KB) 32000KB
speed / min to 7200 / head
(000) 4
average seek time (ms) 8.5ms
internal Transfer rate (Mb / s) 1030Mbis/sec (sustained 78MB/sec)
external transfer rate (MB / s) 300MB/sec
other parameters

size 3.5-inch hard disk

No problem NVIDIA MCP61 is the unity of the north and south bridge chipset, support for the SATA interface should be able to support.No problem, no problem, rest assured Install it in support of unlikely basic ~~~~~~~!
you use 250G-election won by fully supports the speed discount basically will not.

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