Computer young Bai asks Xiaguan in the downloading installment actuation question

Today my rewiring system, but opens the equipment supervisor to discover PCI Device, the SM bus control unit, the video frequency controller, 3 demonstrated? Number.Downloads the actuation after the name search, but the document cannot open.

Asked how the warmhearted person document does open? How to install? In which document installs?
Needs the stochastic compact disc is not casual under can on! Comes under according to motherboard’s model!
Helps person forum to welcome you to join Liu Aibiao the computer hardware network website You determined that has actuated the motherboard to lend money the light to drive? You buy when the computer has drives the shifting plate? Had uses the compact disc to install may.Has not looked for the ghost compact disc, all actuations can install well.Family of the actuation downloads the actuation demon, it can help you to distinguish your hardware model automatically, is connected including the above family of the actuation to download the newest hardware actuation automatically, moreover is the automatic installment.It may also help you to search your computer other hardware newest actuation!
Downloading link: With drove the shifting plate, the installment to be possible

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