After computer starting, requests to be able to continue according to F1 to start???

How to solve? Thanks.Myself am the new military recruits, hoped that the master writes down the concrete step
1st, the CMOS motherboard battery used up;
2nd, the CMOS parameter establishment is not right.Enters BIOS to drive the item to be forbid softly After opening the computer or starts the computer, promptly presses down “Del” the key to enter BIOS the establishment contact surface, clicks on several options casually, but do not revise, has about dull one minute under the BIOS environment, BIOS will help you to establish automatically, will press the ESC key, the F10 key, the Y key, the carriage return stores up and withdraws from the establishment.
Tries to look at the rest type? It is not good, uses following means again:
1st, resumes or optimizes the BIOS establishment.
After opening the computer or starts the computer, promptly presses down “Del” the key to enter BIOS the establishment contact surface,
LOAD BIOS DEFAULTS (writes down the BIOS predetermined value), this option uses for to write down the BIOS initial establishment value, uses for the definite fault coverage.
LOAD OPRIMUM SETTINGS (writes down motherboard BIOS leaving the plant establishment), this is the leaving the plant BIOS optimization sets.
LOAD BIOS SETUP DEFAULTS (writes down BIOS hypothesis default value), this option uses for to write down the BIOS initial establishment.
LOAD HIGH PERFORMANCE DEFAULTS (high performance default value), this option uses for to write down the BIOS optimization establishment.
After keyboard direction key designation default or optimized value, presses the ESC key, the F10 key, the Y key, the carriage return, stores up and withdraws from the establishment.
2nd, closes drives softly.
Restarts, enters BIOS according to Del, found STANDARD CMOS SETUP, according to the carriage return in the contact surface which opened, Drive A:With DriveB:Changes None (closure), 3 (drives Floopy to suppose is softly) Disable (start), presses the ESC key, the F10 key, the Y key, the carriage return stores up and withdraws from the establishment.
3rd, starting does not examine drives softly.
Restarts, enters BIOS according to Del, found ADVANCED BIOS SETUP, according to the carriage return in the contact surface which opened, “Boot Up Floppy Seek”, will establish as “Disabled”, pressed the ESC key, the F10 key, the Y key, the carriage return stores up and withdraws from the establishment.
4th, supposes the hard disk for the first start.Restarts, enters BIOS according to Del, found Advanced Bios Features (high-level BIOS parameter establishment) to enter Advanced Bios according to the carriage return the Features contact surface, supposed First Boot Device is HDD-O (hard disk start), pressed the ESC key, the F10 key, the Y key, the carriage return stores up and withdraws from the establishment.
5th, inspection replacement motherboard battery.Inspects the BIOS establishment · concrete step to refer to 3 buildings ·
Trades the motherboard battery · If were the old computer very has the possibility is the motherboard battery does not have the electricity
So long as will disassemble the engine case the battery replaces later may
(motherboard battery is button battery, generally sells battery’s place to have)

Also one kind of possibility is computer some hardware has not been distinguished normally, must use the F1 jump, after me, matches sometimes the hard disk has this kind of situation
You may have a look to let you have any prompting message according to the F1 picture, generally he will prompt you will be any reason causes, will write down that information accesses the net Zha Cha to have the solution The CMOS establishment is not right Trades the cmos battery first, looked that was the electricity.
If traded the battery not to be able to solve the problem, please do according to the below step:
when the 1 starting first screen presses” DEL” the key to enter the bios establishment, other do not use the tube, according to the carriage return, establishes a plate as” none” (Yuan) then.
The hope can help to obtain you.

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