Maxthon browser issues

Maxthon browser to open the issue of

Maxthon browser favorites of the entire contents of the

not click on pop-up Maxthon center set up the following dialog box



click OK and click on the left side of the center set up options on the right side

may not reflect

matter how often such a situation before To this end favorites lost a lot of times

Maxthon I reload several times when unloading a clean uninstall

how to do that I do not want to use other browsers just want to use Maxthon

not use Maxthon proud of the distinguished Friends:

in vista, please do not Maxthon mounted on the program files directory.

Maxthon Thank you for your feedback! Tool – Maxthon settings – search – will be known as “*” as a search engine the default search the address bar — – Add – “Web site” input / search? Hl = zh-CN & q =% us try

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